Project Description
SAGE is a cross-border project between project partners from Slovenia and Austria, addressing crossborder challenges in the area. First and foremost, these are the challenges of poor integration of local providers and organisations working in the field of cultural and natural heritage conservation,
especially across borders, as they see each other as competitors and show a lack of interest in cooperation, while on the other hand they see few advantages that could be gained by networking to influence the local population, the quality of life in the region and other factors.
The SAGE Project aims to address the challenges of cultural and natural heritage conservation in the EU and beyond. The offer is fragmented and providers use different approaches to offer products and services. Demographic trends can also be seen in the context of tourism integration, with ageing trends and an increase in the proportion of the elderly population. In this context, there is an increasing need for the target group of seniors to design products aimed at them, providing tailor-made services.
The aim will be reached through in-depth research, long-term strategy, design of tourism products, networking of different stakeholders, implementation of pilot actions and communication activities. The cross-border cooperation and approach will allow both countries to increase the number of potential visitors, to diversify the offer for the target group of seniors, to strengthen the tourism industry in both countries based on the preservation of natural and cultural heritage and, last but not least, to make it easier for both sides to face very similar challenges. The project represents a brand new practice in the cross-border area, as cross-border tourism products specifically targeting seniors do not yet exist, but it will also bring local providers together to try out slightly different practices and models of cooperation.

Key Project Information:
Duration: 24 months
1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
5 project partners:
– LP – BP Akademija
– PP2 – TIC M. Toplice
– PP3 – FH Joanneum
– PP4 – Spirit of Regions
– PP5 – Kräuterdorf Irschen
Project budget: 626.048,82 EUR
ERDF co-financing: 500.839,05 EUR
- Presentation Spirit of Regions at Kick-off meeting: Sustainability, mindfulness & gentle revitalization of existing structures (Prezi)
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Lower Murtal Camp
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SAGE Kick-off Project Meeting
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