Project Description
Jednodnevni izlet “Miran Bozic”
Arrival at Vulcano Land
to Auersbach to ham manufactory Vulcano. An oversized ham gate invites yout to enter the ham heaven. The welcome hall, where the full breakfast allready is prepared for you, is seasonal floral decorated. Afterwards you will experience the fairytale that has come true. Vulcana tells the story of one of the best air-dried ham in Europe. Motivated employees guide you through further emotional stages at the farm.
Short trip through the Auersbach valley to the renaissance castle Kornberg. Here, the large castle gate lures you to enter the winter wonderland. The castle courtyard is decorated with christmas trees and the vaulted rooms on the ground floor show you different handicrafts. For more than 30 years the advent season is celebrated at the castle of Kornberg. The Andreas chapel, the castle park and the solicitous castle team make it a popular place.
The journey leads us to the Gleichenberger Kogeln to the crib village Gossendorf. Lived customs and an intact community allow a winter walk with easy routing, walk distance app. 1 hour. 40 cribs, all handmade with different material decorate the house entrence. Families build cribs every year using a variety of natural materials and techniques. For the crib hike you use the winter sun and will have lunch afterwards at 14.00.
Through the Klausen, the road between the Gleichenberg Kogel the journey leads you to the other side of the hill to Bad Gleichenberg. “Advent as in former times”. Larger than life hand-carved nativity figures among the powerful arms of the mammoth tree in the park, home-made and an advent music program attract many vistors on the advent sundays. If the tour falls on a Saturday the trip leads after the meal from Gossendorf to the district town Feldbach. The most colorful church tower in the world and the parish church are shrouded in green light. The green light is a symbol of the silent advent in Vulkanland, Styria. Green is the color of hope. On Christmas eve it becomes white as a sign of joy. In the four advent weeks, sacral buildings are illuminated in green. Large wooden lanterns adorn the city center, the often lush city lighting here is deliberately reduced and creates a mystic mood.
Behind the town hall gate and the wrought iron gate of the old town alley, brownies and business people especially on the Advent saturdays are moving, to convey heartiness with warming mulled wine, open fires and lots of fir grass and it remains a little time to discover a nice present in the Advent displays.
Blagdan ponuda obuhvaca:
Obilen zajtrk v pršutarni Vulcano Schinkenwelt z
vodenjem kot v nebesih šunke
Obisk največje božične razstave regije na gradu
Kornberger Weihnachten
Kosilo (2 hoda) v vasi Gossendorf v bližini Feldbacha
pri Gleichenberger Vulkan
Voden sprehod po poti božičnih jaslic Gossendorfer
Krippenweg, 39 božičnih jaslic v prosti naravi – pohod
traja 1,5 ure
Božični sejem v Feldbachu pred občinsko stavbo.
Celoten glavni trg je v znamenju adventa.
Vodenje potovanja in organizacija
Neka te zvijezde pratio!

Doplata: EUR 15,00 na osobo ako pozelite degustacijo vina u Natur|Wein|Gut Hutter.
Rezervacije / Organiszacija / Turisticko vodenje